About Charity Donations Inc. and its Mission
Charity Donations Inc. is a registered 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization (EIN: 47-2994893), whose primary mission is to prevent and alleviate hunger and poverty, while empowering the hungry and poor to meet their basic needs, become self-sufficient and achieve economic prosperity.
Our Initiatives
Poverty Reduction & Alleviation Initiative
What Is Poverty?
Poverty is generally defined as being unable to afford basic human needs (clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing, shelter, and transportation), being unable to plan for the future with any degree of certainty, and having a standard of living which is below the community’s average and which does not allow for a full and meaningful life.
Poverty is multi-dimensional, and it can encompass a wide range of poor people’s experiences involving: food insecurity or hunger, homelessness, unhealthy living conditions, poor health, inadequate standard of living, unemployment or underemployment, lack of education, dis-empowerment, and violence, among others.
Education & Empowerment: Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
Among all of the poverty dimensions, one pair stands out the most: Education, and its resulting Empowerment. Not everyone without an education is experiencing poverty. However, the majority of the poor tend to be less educated, or lack education altogether. Poor peoples’ children are also more likely to drop out of school or be kept out of school, which results in a greater likelihood of these children ending up poor, as well.
Education is considered the great equalizer. It is the best way to end poverty. It can increase access to good-paying jobs, resources, and skills that poor people need to help them get out of the cycle of poverty.
Empowerment through education can help the poor take control and ownership of their lives. It can help them gain access to, and develop a career, which can build their confidence and allow them to earn a good living to help their families live a better life.
What We Do
Charity Donations Inc.’s Poverty Reduction Initiative aims to support and lift as many people out of poverty as possible by utilizing a unique, multi-pronged approach which entails:
1. Empowering poor and low-income people who cannot afford professional development education and/or training, by providing them with free educational and training resources, and related resource information (e.g., free career readiness, business administration, marketing, computer science, emergency management, and other professional development certificate courses). We do this mainly via a network of websites. An example of such training resources can also be found on this site at the following page:
Free Fire Safety Training Guides
2. Providing free information on Housing & Food Assistance, Electricity Bill Assistance, No-Cost & Low-Cost Phones & Phone Services, No-Cost & Low-Cost Pet Care Assistance, and Loan Debt Management & Assistance, to people in need of such information; and
3. Directly supporting homeless shelters offering housing and basic-needs support services to poor and homeless people, primarily in the more vulnerable Appalachian and urban communities.
Hunger Prevention & Alleviation Initiative
Hunger in Appalachian and Urban Communities
Hunger and food insecurity (a condition of limited or uncertain access to adequate food) are incessant concerns in Appalachia. Specifically, hunger affects far too many children, their families, and seniors in Appalachia. 1 in 5 children goes hungry every day, as the overall rate of food insecurity for 5 Appalachian states approaches 14%, which is nearly 2% more than the national average of 12.5%. And these numbers are ever increasing, as families struggle through the challenges of the pandemic.
Our nation’s urban food deserts (communities that have limited access to healthy and affordable food) are also being disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Cities across the nation are feeling the pressure, as their economies are shutting down, and their social programs are getting overwhelmed under the sheer number of dwellers who lack access to food. Additionally, the majority of cities are grappling with unprecedented constraints on their budgets, which are disrupting their food insecurity mitigation efforts.
Pandemic Effects in Appalachian and Urban Communities
Many of the small-neighborhood & community pantries which serve the devastated Appalachian and urban communities have been particularly ill-equipped to handle the pandemic. They are usually operated by volunteer seniors and retirees, who have chosen to stay home for health and safety reasons – sometimes by their own volition, and sometimes at the direction of authorities. The lack of adequate volunteer staff, along with a lack of adequate donations and funding, has led to devastating closures of much needed pantries.
What We Do
Charity Donations Inc.’s Hunger Initiative aims to combat increasing food insecurity and hunger in the Appalachian and urban communities, by utilizing a unique, multi-pronged approach which involves::
- Directly supporting independent small-neighborhood & community food pantries of the Appalachian and urban communities that are at risk of closure, so they can continue their vital operations;
- Providing free Staff Care & Well-Being training and other relevant resource information to Appalachian and urban community food pantries and others in need of such information, to assist them in reducing pandemic-related staff burnout and in facilitating the return of staff which has stayed away due to the pandemic; and
- Helping lessen the impact of food pantry closures by providing alternative food pantries’ information to affected communities and the general public.
Florida Dept. Of Agriculture & Consumer Svcs Solicitation of Contributions Registr. # CH43316
A copy of the official registration and financial information of Charity Donations Inc. may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free within the state. The toll-free number of the department is 1-800-help-fla (435-7352) – calling from within the state of Florida, or (850) 410-3800 – calling from outside of Florida. The department’s website is www.800helpfla.com. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.